By Registering for this Retreat, You Acknowledge and Agree to the Following:
Correspondence from Training Organization: The Institute for Creative Mindfulness regularly sends correspondence about the training, including an email confirmation at registration and several emails leading up to each training. The emails presently come from [email protected]. Additionally, The Institute for Creative Mindfulness may send out emails from [email protected]. If you are not receiving these emails, you are required to check your Spam folder as correspondence from new organizations often ends up there. Once you receive your first correspondence, please save the email to your address book. If you have not received a confirmation email or other correspondence from the organization within seven days of the event, it is your responsibility to reach out to us by email or phone.
Professionalism: You will show up on time and be fully present for each session, acting in a professional manner. You will reach out to your faculty member or any assistants if any unexpected problems arise. Staying present for online learning can come with its unique set of challenges, and you agree to take full responsibility for addressing your needs in the area of grounding and self-care during the training. You agree to refrain from all alcohol and illicit drug use during the training and agree to speak with your faculty member or any assistant if you anticipate that your impairment due to prescribed medications might pose a problem during the training. The faculty and staff reserve the right to remove trainees at any time if trainee creates an unsafe or unprofessional environment for you or for other trainees, or for any other reason, at their sole discretion.
Accommodations: The Institute for Creative Mindfulness follows the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We ask that if you are in need of any special accommodations that will allow you to take your training with us online, please
email us with any special requests thirty days before the scheduled training. If, during the training, a need for an accommodation arises, you are expected to contact your instructor and/or practicum assistant immediately and we will discuss the best possible solution.
Confidentiality: There is no client relationship or other privilege that would create a duty rising to the level of clinical confidentiality in this training setting; however, you are expected to respect the confidentiality of other trainees in the group, and your trainer will explain the importance of confidentiality. Trainees who observe a problem with another trainee are expected to bring the problem to the lead trainer or other training staff. Similarly, if a staff member observes an issue with professionalism, they reserve the right to discuss that issue with the lead trainer.
Refund/Cancellation Policy: You have read and agree to ICM's Organizational Policies, which stipulate the terms for refunds, cancellations, and resolving grievances and disputes.
Cost: We are offering tiered pricing for this program, and you are asked to register at the level that most applies to how you describe yourself or your business at this time:
-Individual in need of a price break due to circumstances beyond their control: $80.00
-Individual who currently describes themselves as thriving in their professional pursuits: $125.00
-Organizational representative primarily attending for their organization in need of a price break: $100.00
-Organizational representative primarily attending for their thriving organization: $175.00
If for some reason these costs are still a barrier, you are invited to fill out our Diversity and Social Justice Scholarship Application Form. If you qualify and you would like to fill it out to support your attendance in this program, you are welcome to submit an application.
After completing this initial registration, you will receive an email from Thinkific to finalize your registration and be given access to preliminary course materials in your personalized dashboard.
Email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.