Enhancing Your Practice by Connecting Intuitively with Others

Presented by John Michael Thornton

Location: Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center

*Lunch will be provided*

April 28, 2023

9:00am-4:30pm ET


Connecting on an intuitive level in your practice and relationships lets you set aside your first impressions and see beyond the surface. This intuitive connection can take multiple forms; from perceiving an aura, to tapping into chakra energies, or forming a heart connection. An intuitive connection can facilitate greater empathy with clients while offering clarity into confusing emotional responses, both for you as the clinician and for the client as well.

In this workshop we will explore ways to tap into your intuitive abilities to quickly form a connection with clients and then release that connection when it is no longer useful.  We will explore how to perceive an aura and how it changes with a person’s emotional state. We will define a heart connection and use movement and meditation to learn how to form the heart connection.  

We will also explore how to disconnect from a client, both within a session, when connecting with a client’s emotions may become distracting, and at the end of a session when that connection is no longer necessary.  We will also touch on ways to protect yourself from “energetic pollution” by practicing shielding and clearing techniques.

Finally, we will explore the ethics of energetic and intuitive connection including its benefits and pitfalls.

This workshop will stimulate creativity by using meditation, discussion, coloring, and a bit of dance.

Workshop Objectives

  • Recognize existing intuitive connections
  • Understand what a Heart Connection is and how it is useful
  • Identify benefits of using intuition in work with clients
  • Use movement and meditation to form and release a heart connection
  • Perceive an aura and begin to interpret its meaning
  • Practice energetically clearing yourself to quickly find calm and center
  • Protect and shield yourself from being effected by other people’s strong emotions

About Your Instructors

Guest Instructor John Michael Thornton

John Michael Thornton is a psychic and co-founder of Great Conjunction Spiritual Center. He is the author of Grounding, Forgiveness & Gratitude ~ Three Guided Meditations to Heal your Soul as well as guided meditation cds and ebooks. John has lectured for Mindful Ohio, Lily Dale Assembly, BMSE, and the Association for Research and Enlightenment. His energetic and charismatic style has made him a popular teacher and lecturer throughout the Northeast.

Course Curriculum

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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