EMDR Therapy Training: 

Part II with Lisa Hayes

March 14-16, 2025 

9:00am-5:30pm ET Each Day

Discovered by Dr. Francine Shapiro, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is one of the most researched and utilized methods in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other forms of human distress connected to trauma. Completing our full basic training approved by the EMDR International Association is a multi-tiered process.

This training offers the Part II curriculum normally offered in-person, including all practicum components, in a convenient, online format. The Institute for Creative Mindfulness is known for focusing only on the standard EMDR therapy protocol in our initial trainings, with proper attention paid to dynamics like dissociation and complex trauma, for optimal implementation in clinical settings. The mindfulness-informed and trauma-focused thread that runs through all of our instructional offerings makes implementation of standard EMDR therapy with more complex cases possible from the beginning of your EMDR training experience. The training components, when combined with an additional ten hours of required consultation, meet all requirements for completing an EMDRIA-approved training in EMDR therapy.

Join Institute for Creative Mindfulness Instructor Lisa Hayes for the Part II training experience run in the style of an online retreat. This online setting is ideal if you are in need of some extra support with doing your own work at training.

This three-day training (21 total hours of lecture and practicum) covers the basics of trauma, the adaptive information processing model, trauma-informed stabilization, and the basic methodology and mechanisms of action used in EMDR Therapy. You will be able to practice EMDR Therapy after completion of this Part II.

For full description and objectives see our website. Scroll down to the bottom of this page for complete CE credit hour and approval info.

Please read the following informed consent prior to registering. After completing this initial registration, you will receive an email from Thinkific to finalize your registration and be given access to preliminary course materials in your personalized dashboard.

By Registering for this Training, You Acknowledge and Agree to the Following:


  • Attendance: Your presence at the entire training is required at all sessions. No partial credit can be awarded. You have read our EMDR Therapy Training information page prior to registering. Please also note that by taking the training in this online format, you will be required to take a quiz following the second part of the training, per EMDRIA guidelines.

  • Technological Requirements: Attendance at all live sessions on the indicated dates is mandatory for completion of this course. These live lecture and practicum sessions will be hosted by the video conferencing platform Zoom. Links for joining these live sessions via zoom are included in the course portals. These links will prompt you to download the Zoom software if you have not already done so, and will then connect you to the session. Please plan on joining a few minutes early for troubleshooting if you are not already familiar with the platform. For more information on how to join a Zoom meeting, please read through the following article: https://www.howtogeek.com/662339/how-to-join-a-zoom-meeting/. By registering for these trainings, you acknowledge that you meet the technological requirements needed to participate. If you require technical assistance, you are required to reach out to your instructor at least one week prior to the start of training. 

  • Training Information & Eligibility: You have read our EMDR Therapy Training information page prior to registering. The Institute for Creative Mindfulness is an EMDRIA-approved provider to serve clinicians in the United States and Canada, only with certain limited exceptions. If you are a clinician living outside of the United States or Canada, we suggest that you contact the Institute for Creative Mindfulness first or check with your regional organization (e.g., EMDR Europe, EMDR Asia, EMDR Australia). A U.S.-based training may not be accepted for accreditation in your country.

  • Payment: Purchase of this training can be broken up into one, two, or three payments USD, with the first being due at the time of purchase, the second one month later, and the final payment a month after that. If the second payment cannot be processed due to issues with a credit card, you will be unenrolled from the course bundle. Please notify our office at [email protected]  with any changes. Note that requests for refunds are governed by ICM's Organizational Policies.

  • Refund/Cancellation Policy:  You have read and agree to ICM's Organizational Policies, which stipulate the terms for refunds, cancellations, and resolving grievances and disputes.

  • Consultation: The EMDRIA-required 10 consultation hours are not included in the cost of online training and must be scheduled on your own time outside of the hours of the training advertised here. We structure our program so that you are able to work with any of our ICM approved consultants or consultants in training for your consultation hours to supplement the online training. Our consultants represent a wide range of specialties at a variety of price points. In the spirit of ICM's mission, emphasizing trauma-focused care and tailoring the most effective program for our individual trainees, we believe the choice of consultant is important to the overall learning experience. Depending on which consultant and format that you select, you can spend from $200.00-$1000.00 additionally for consultation. Please follow the hyperlink that we provided in this bullet point to get a sense of our consultants' expertise and price points before registering. As of January 1, 2023, trainees have 12 months to complete both parts of the training and the required consultation hours whether they are taking the training in-person or online. If participants do not complete the required sections in this time frame specified by EMDRIA, they are required to complete Part I again before continuing. If you began your Part I training before January 1, 2023, the rules that were posted at the time you began your training apply to the completion deadline., including the 10 hours of supplementary consultation that are required for you to receive your Certificate of Training in EMDR Therapy from the Institute for Creative Mindfulness. Exceptions can be granted only in extreme circumstances (e.g., a humanitarian crisis, illness, or injury).

  • Continuing Education: You agree to check in to and be knowledgeable about the continuing education approvals that are required for members of your profession in your state. Many states do not require specific approvals; several states require specific approvals; many accept national organization approvals or providers from other states. Please double check with your state requirements and also carefully look at the approvals that have been secured for the training for which you are registering. You many contact the training organization with any questions PRIOR to the training. 

  • Correspondence from Training Organization: The Institute for Creative Mindfulness regularly sends correspondence about the training, including an email confirmation at registration and several emails leading up to each training. The emails presently come from [email protected]. Additionally, The Institute for Creative Mindfulness may send out emails from [email protected] . If you are not receiving these emails, you are required to check your spam folder as correspondence from new organizations often ends up there. Once you receive your first correspondence, please save the email to your address book. If you have not received a confirmation email or other correspondence from the organization within seven days of the event, it is your responsibility to reach out to us by email or phone.

  • Additional Reading Requirements: Please take note of the EMDR Therapy Training Reading List. EMDRIA requires that you purchase and read Francine Shapiro's Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, Third Edition: Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures, which is available for purchase on Amazon and other retailers.

  • Professionalism: You will show up on time and be fully present for each session, acting in a professional manner. You will reach out to your faculty member or any assistant if any unexpected problems arise. Staying present for learning can come with its unique set of challenges, and you agree to take full responsibility for addressing your needs in the area of grounding and self-care during the training. You agree to refrain from all alcohol and illicit drug use during the training and agree to speak with your faculty member or an assistant if you anticipate that your impairment due to prescribed medications might pose a problem during the training. The faculty and staff reserve the right to remove trainees at any time if the trainee creates an unsafe or unprofessional environment for you or for other trainees, or for any other reason, at their sole discretion.

  • Accommodations: The Institute for Creative Mindfulness follows the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We ask that if you are in need of any special accommodations that will allow you to take your training with us online, please email us with any special requests thirty days before the scheduled training. If, during the training, a need for an accommodation arises, you are expected to contact your instructor and/or practicum assistant immediately and we will discuss the best possible solution.

  • Confidentiality: There is no client relationship or other privilege that would create a duty rising to the level of clinical confidentiality in this training setting; however, you are expected to respect the confidentiality of other trainees in the group, and your trainer will explain the importance of confidentiality. Trainees who observe a problem with another trainee are expected to bring the problem to the lead trainer or other training staff. Similarly, if a staff member observes an issue with professionalism, they reserve the right to discuss that issue with the lead trainer.

  • Preparedness for Doing Your Own Work: Throughout the training, you will be expected to participate in a working practicum experience in the role of therapist, client, and observer. This means that you will be expected to do a small piece of your own, authentic clinical work. If you are currently in counseling or being treated for a mental health condition, it is recommended that you speak with your provider, alerting them that you are participating in the training. If you have received a major mental health diagnosis (past or present), you acknowledge that you are taking this training and engaging in this practicum at your own risk, and agree to alert faculty or training staff before or during the training if any complications arise. You acknowledge that everyone taking part in the practicum experience is new to EMDR therapy and agree to keep the space as safe as possible for all involved. If any problems arise, you agree to address them with faculty or staff members.

Email [email protected]  with any questions or concerns. After registering for this course you will receive an email from Thinkific, which will ask you to complete your registration and give you access to the course portal. 



ICM Adjunct Faculty Lisa Hayes

Lisa Hayes, MSW, LISW-S is a Clinical Social Worker based in Columbus, OH. Lisa is a Certified EMDR Therapist and Approved Consultant through the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Lisa graduated with a masters degree in Social Work from The Ohio State University. Her undergraduate education is in Sociology and Women's Studies; her academic focus has always included special considerations for issues of gender, sexuality, race and social representation. Her clinical experiences include work with complex trauma/PTSD, residential alcohol and drug treatment, inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, life transitions, racial and ethnic specific trauma and identity issues, LGBTQIA issues, depression, dissociation, anxiety, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse. Lisa’s clinical practice has primarily focused on the treatment of adolescents and adults. Throughout her career, she has provided local and national trainings focused on the impacts of trauma and its effects on individuals, communities, and families. In her therapeutic work, Lisa uses a variety of expressive and experiential therapeutic interventions all aimed at identifying and celebrating the strengths of each person. Lisa is currently working in private practice and at the Ohio State University.


After this course, participants will be able to:

Objectives: Day 4

  1. To discuss, in general, what it means to be an ethical EMDR Therapist and list three safeguards for ensuring safe and ethical practice 
  2. To explain, in a general sense, the policy of the EMDR International Association condemning the use of EMDR therapy for Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE)
  3. To define interweaves and describe at least three situations where using interweaves are useful in EMDR therapy
  4. To apply three different styles of interweaves and articulate at least three examples for implementation within these styles
  5. To list examples of situations within EMDR therapy where making modifications may be necessary, especially when addressing abreaction and dissociation in the various phases of EMDR therapy
  6. To describe the types of modifications that might be necessary and appropriate in addressing dissociation within the clinical setting
  7. To execute the EMDR 8-Phase protocol under supervised practice and receive necessary instruction about interweaves and modifications (implementing accordingly)

Objectives: Day 5

  1. To list the specific protocols/targeting sequences that Shapiro overviews in her seminal text and be able to set them up (e.g., recent events, anxiety and phobia, illnesses and somatic disorders, grief, self-use)
  2. To discuss the best practices for conducting EMDR therapy with the following groups of people/clinical situations: Children, couples and families, addictions, survivors of sexual abuse, complex PTSD and developmental trauma, military and public safety personnel 
  3. To discuss, in greater detail and clinical competence, best practices for the specific groups of people/clinical situations that participants are likely to see in their clinical settings
  4. To explain the meaning of anti-oppression in psychotherapy and discuss the role of the EMDR therapist and EMDR therapy is advancing anti-oppression work
  5. To access resources for obtaining specialty resources and “protocols” for these variously noted populations
  6. To cultivate the quality of empathy for clients struggling with trauma-related presenting issues as a necessary first skill in building a case conceptualization treatment plan
  7. To complete, under supervised practice, a future template targeting sequence
  8. To implement Phase 8 Re-Evaluation strategies at both a micro-level and macro-level, including (but not limited to): Future template; rechecking Phase 1 Client History; assessing for blocking beliefs; treatment plan review

Objectives: Day 6

  1. To discuss the neurobiology of trauma covered on Day 1 of the course in the context of EMDR Therapy and working hypotheses about mechanisms of action
  2. To present a clinical case study for the participant’s clinical practice through the EMDR Therapy/AIP framework
  3. To complete, under supervised practice, any remaining practice elements that a participant may need to attend to using EMDR therapy
  4. To explain EMDR therapy to a client in a general sense and provide clients with adequate informed consent for EMDR therapy
  5. To discuss the characteristics of strong EMDR therapists
  6. To evaluate any issues that a participant may need to address to better capture these qualities of strong EMDR therapists 
  7. To develop a plan for continued consultation and formation as an EMDR therapist after the completion of the training course 

Continuing Education  

This is a live interactive webinar-based training. This is a beginner-level course. Attendance at all sessions, and course evaluation is required to receive CE Certificate. Course evaluations are made available after all sessions have been completed within this course portal. Upon completing the evaluation, participants will automatically receive their certificate via the email used to create their Thinkific account. If the certificate is not received within 24 hours, please contact [email protected]

This course is approved for 21 CE credit hours by the following approval agencies:

State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board

The Institute for Creative Mindfulness is an approved provider of continuing education by the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board for counselors, social workers, and marriage/family therapists. Approval: #RCS091306

American Psychological Association

The Institute for Creative Mindfulness is approved by American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Institute for Creative Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

National Board for Certified Counselors

The Institute for Creative Mindfulness has been approved by National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6998. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Institute for Creative Mindfulness is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Association of Social Worker Boards

Institute for Creative Mindfulness, #1735, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Institute for Creative Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: 3/16/24-3/16/27. Social workers completing this course receive 21 general continuing education credits.

This Course is APPROVED by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA)

The Institute for Creative Mindfulness is an approved training provider in EMDR Therapy by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) Approval: #10002. EMDRIA is not a provider of continuing education, although they do authorize training providers in EMDR therapy after a rigorous approval process. Completion of Part I and Part II constitutes partial training in EMDR Therapy. Completion of required consultation is needed to receive full certificate of training from the Institute for Creative Mindfulness.

As of January 1, 2023, trainees have ONE YEAR (12 months) from the time that they begin this training to complete all of the requirements, including the 10 hours of supplementary consultation that are required for you to receive your Certificate of Training in EMDR Therapy from the Institute for Creative Mindfulness. Exceptions can be granted only in extreme circumstances (e.g., a humanitarian crisis, illness or injury). If participants do not complete the required sections in this time frame specified by EMDRIA, they are required to complete Part I and Part II again before continuing. If you began your Part I training before January 1, 2023, the rules that were posted at the time you began your training apply to the completion deadline.

A General Note About Approvals

Please also note that APA-approved sponsors are accepted by many state boards, such as California BBS and major licensure boards within the state of Pennsylvania. In both of these cases, separate paperwork does not need to be filled out. Many state boards also accept out-of-state providers, which is why our Ohio approvals appear on every training. In some states, pre- or post-program approval forms must be sent, and you are responsible for checking into the rules of the licensure board in your state as to what is required. Please let the Institute for Creative Mindfulness know if you need support documentation in any way for these pre or post-program approval applications.

Course Curriculum

    1. Your Live Interactive Webinar-Based EMDR Therapy Part II Training

    2. Informed Consent & Code of Conduct

    3. ACKNOWLEDGE: Informed Consent and Code of Conduct

    4. Zoom Information and Logistics

    5. Required and Recommended Reading & Resources

    6. Course Description & Objectives

    7. Continuing Education Approvals

    8. Training Agenda

    9. Presenter and Assistant Presenters

    10. Land Acknowledgment

    1. 10th Edition Part II Manual (10C2024)

    2. EMDR Therapy Worksheets

    3. EMDRIA Learner Assessment Study Guide

    4. Dissociation Infographic

    5. Window of Tolerance Infographic

    6. Phase 1 Supplement: Identity, Race, and Culture

    7. Considerations for Neuro-affirming EMDR Therapy

    1. Standard Phases 1-8

    2. Mini Demo

    3. Phase 1 Client History Telehealth

    4. Calm Safe Space Telehealth

    5. Container Telehealth

    6. Testing out DAS Telehealth

    7. Phase 3-7 Telehealth

    8. Explaining DAS

    9. Phase 8 Future Template Telehealth

    10. When Calm Safe Place Goes Bad: Bonus Video

    11. Dr. Jamie Marich & Dr. Mara Tesler Stein: EMDR & Pregnancy

    12. ICM Dissociation and Addiction Resources Collection

    1. EMDR Consultation for Completing Your Training

    2. What's Next... Important Follow Up Information

    3. ICM & Dr. Jamie Marich Resources

    4. Dissociation Made Simple: New Book Website

    1. EMDRIA Required Quiz

    2. Completing Your Course Evaluation and Receiving Your CE Certificate

    3. Course Evaluation (Needed for CEs)

    4. EMDRIA Evaluation (Optional)

About this course

  • Free
  • 37 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content


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